Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wonders 2017 and 2020 Correlation

Many of the Reading Wonders resources for McGraw-Hill were created for the 2017 version of Wonders, but they align with the 2020 version, too. Just use this chart to determine which units and weeks are the same.

Wonders 2017 Unit, WeekShared ReadAnchor TextVocabulary SkillsWonders 2020 Unit/Week
U1, W1A Fresh IdeaOne Henafford, loan, profit, prosper, risk, savings, scarce, wagesReread, Character, Setting, Plot: Sequence, Realistic FictionUnit 1: Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4
U1, W2Whitewater AdventureFirst Day, Second Impressionsaccomplish, anxious, assemble, decipher, distracted, navigate, options, retraceCharacter, Setting, Plot: Problem and Solution, Rereadx
U1, W3A Life in the WoodsCamping with the Presidentdebris, emphasis, encounter, generations, indicated, naturalist, sheer, spectacularText Structure: Cause and Effect, Narrative Nonfiction, Ask and Answer QuestionsUnit 1: Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2
U1, W4Fantasy Becomes FactThe Boy Who Invented TVbreakthrough, captivated, claimed, deices, enthusiastically, envisioned, passionate, patentsText Structure: Seuence, Illustrations and photographs, biographyx
U1, W5Are Electronic Devices Good for Us?The Future of Transportationaccess, advance, analysis, cite, counterpoint, data, drawbacks, reasoningAuthor’s Point of View, Expository Text, Headings and Graphs, Greek and Latin PrefixesUnit 1: Genre Study 3: Week 5
U2, W1Creating a NationWho Wrote the U.S. Constitution?committees, convention, debate, proposal, representatives, resolve, situation, unionReread, problem and solution, expository text, headings, time linesUnit 2: Genre Study 1, Weeks 1 and 2
U2, W2A Modern CinderellaWhere the Mountain Meets the Mooncircumstances, consideration, consults, destiny, expectations, presence, reveal, unsureMake Predictions, Compare and Contrast, Characters, setting, Fairy Tale, x
U2, W3Growing in Place: The Story of E. Lucy BraunThe Boy Who Drew Birdsbehaviors, disappearance, energetic, flurry, migrate, observation, theory, transformedReread, text structure, sequence, biography, illustrations and photographsx
U2, W4The Magical Lost BrocadeBlancaflorassuring, detected, emerging, gratitude, guidance, outcome, previous, pursuitMake Predictions, theme, folktaleUnit 2: Genre Study 2, Weeks 3 and 4
U2, W5A Simple Plan, RescueStage Fright, Catching Quietambitious, memorized, satisfaction, shuddered Poetry terms: narrative, repetition, free
verse, rhyme
Reread, theme, free verse poetry, Unit 2: Genre Study 3: Week 5
U3, W1A Reluctant TravelerThey Don't Mean It!appreciation, blurted, complimenting, congratulate, contradicted, critical, cultural, misunderstandingSummarize, Realistic Fiction, ThemeUnit 3: Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2
U3, W2SurvivalandWeslandiacivilization, complex, cultivate, devise, fashioned, resourceful, shortage, tormentorsSummarize, theme, fantasyx
U3, W3Patterns of ChangeThe Story of Snowcontact, erode, formation, moisture, particles, repetition, structure, visibleAsk and Answer Questions, Main Ideas and key details, expository text, diagram, Greek rootsx
U3, W4Gulf Spill SuperheroesWinter's Tailartificial, collaborate, dedicated, flexible, function, mimic, obstacle, techniquesAsk and Answer Questions, Main ideas and key details, photographs and captions, Latin rootsUnit 3: Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4
U3, W5What Was the Purpose of the Inca's Strange Strings?Machu Picchu: Ancient Cityarchaeologist, era, fragments, historian, intact, preserved, reconstruct, remnantsSummarize, author's point of view, persuasive article, diagram, expository textUnit 3: Genrey Study 3: Week 5
U4, W1How Mighty Kate Stopped the TrainDavy Crockett Saves the Worldcommenced, deeds, exaggeration, heroic, impress, posed, sauntered, wringVisualize, point of view, tall tale, legend, synonyms and antonymsx
U4, W2Where's Brownie?A Window into History: The Mystery of the Cellar Windowastounded, concealed, inquisitive, interpret, perplexed, precise, reconsider, suspiciousVisualize, point of view, drama, adages and proverbsUnit 4: Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4
U4, W3Frederick Douglass: Freedom's VoiceRosaanticipation, defy, entitled, neutral, outspoken, reserved, sought, unequalSummarize, author's point of view, biography, photographs, captions, prefixes and suffixesUnit 4: Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2
U4, W4Power from NatureOne Wellabsorb, affect, circulates, conserve, cycle, glaciers, necessity, seepsSummarize, author's point of view, chart, context clues
U4, W5How Do I Hold Summer?, Catching a Fly, When I DanceWords Free as Confetti, Dreamsbarren, expression, meaningful, plumes Poetry Terms: lyric, meter, alliteration, stanzaFree Verse and Lyric Poetry, visualize, theme, simile and metaphorUnit 4: Genre Study 3: Week 5
U5, W1Miguel in the MiddleIda B... and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World disdain, focused, genius, perspective, prospect, stunned, superb, transitionMake, Confirm, and Revise Predictions, Character, Setting, Plotx
U5, W2The Day the Rollets Got Their Moxie BackBud, Not Buddyassume, guarantee, nominate, obviously, rely, supportive, sympathy, weaklingHistorical Fiction, Make, Confirm, and Revise Predictions, Compare and Contrast Characters, IdiomsUnit 5: Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4
U5, W3Forests on FireGlobal Warmingatmosphere, decays, gradual, impact, noticeably, receding, stability, variationsText Structure: Compare and Contrast, photographs, graphs, paragraph cluesx
U5, W4Changing Views of EarthWhen Is a Planet Not a Planet?approximately, astronomical, calculation, criteria, diameter, evaluate, orbit, spheresText Structure: Cause and Effect, diagrams, Greek RootsUnit 5: Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2
U5, W5Should Plants and Animals from Other Places Live Here?The Case of the Missing Beesagricultural, declined, disorder, identify, probable, thrive, unexpected, widespreadAuthor's Point of View, chart headings, root words,Unit 5: Genre Study 3: Week 5
U6, W1Shipped OutThe Unbreakable Codebulletin, contributions, diversity, enlisted, intercept, operations, recruits, survivalSummarize, theme, historical fiction, homophonesUnit 6, Genre Study 1, Weeks 1 and 2
U6, W2The BullyThe Friend Who Changed My Lifeabruptly, ally, collided, confident, conflict, intervene, protective, tauntingSummarize, theme, realistic fiction, connotation and denotationx
U6, W3Mysterious OceansSurvival at 40 Belowadaptation, agile, cache, dormant, forage, frigid, hibernate, insulatesText Struture: Cause and Effect, map, context cluesUnit 6, Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4
U6, W4Words to Save the World: The Work of Rachel CarsonPlanting the Trees of Kenyaexport, glistening, influence, landscape, native, plantations, restore, urgedText Structure: Problem and Solution, biography, illustrations, synonyms and antonymsx
U6, W5To Travel, Wild BlossomsYou Are My Music (Tu eres mi musica), You and Iblares, connection,
errand, exchange
Poetry Terms:
consonance, assonance,
Visualize, point of view, narrative and lyric poetry, personification Unit 6, Genre Study 3: Week 5

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